Critical Federal changes for Private and Exempt For-hire Motor Carriers
Beginning September 30, 2016 all Private Motor Carriers and Exempt For-Hire Motor Carriers will be required to have a BOC-3 filing (Process Agent Designation in all states) with FMCSA. If the BOC-3 is not filed before January l, 2017 the DOT number will be revoked and the carrier will be required to pay reinstatement fees of $310 to FMCSA along with getting the BOC-3 filed before the DOT will be reinstated.
Beginning September 30, 2016 all Exempt For-Hire Motor Carriers will have to file evidence of financial responsibility (minimum $750,000 liability insurance) with FMCSA. If the financial responsibility is not filed before January 1, 2017 the DOT number will be revoked and the carrier will be required to pay reinstatement fees of $310 to FMCSA along with getting the insurance filed before the DOT will be reinstated.